
Hummingbird -How a mother’s love gave her child wings to fly

Cirkl Around the Block Productions · Ages 12+ · 75 mins

About the Show


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The video will be available until April 11th. Once you start viewing, you will have 72 hrs to complete.

“I wanted to keep you safe, your soul is tender, your heart is kind, you only see goodness. I used all my strength and love to protect you by giving you wings to fly”.

Every mother must find a way to battle the monsters and be the buffer for all of life’s hardships, personal obstacles, hard questions and emotional grief that their children face as they grow up. As the baby of the family who was allowed to sit at the grown-up’s table, I got to hear a lot— but was sheltered from a lot more that would would eventually become my mountain to climb.

I had a mother who fought to protect her ‘nest’ single handily. If it were up to her, she’d lasso the world and make it tame for all of “her babies”. Her overwhelming sense of duty prepared me taught me to soar, but I lost direction and could no longer to sing my life’s song when my cherished protector, teacher, confidante, and beloved mother was gone before I was ready to let go.

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