The video will be available until April 11th. Once you start viewing, you will have 72 hrs to complete.
When the past wants to be present, one woman finds a surprising gateway to a fresh new future.
Saba explores themes from her own life with a universal familiarity. She unfolds a half-hour of raw human experience in her original production of Lies, Anger and Forgiveness.
“Have you ever felt like you weren’t in sync with the events of your life? Like if you were always a little too early or just a little too late to your present? Unable to decide, to play. Like in the worst nightmare, you’re in danger and you feel scared. You try to scream and the voice doesn’t come out from your mouth. No one can hear you. ".
This is my story, made of violence and lace, of love and resentment, stuck in the wrinkles of a past that doesn’t want to stop being present.
I found out that forgiveness it’s the only gateway to the future.
Saba describes the show as a journey with no destination.
The show is as direct and honest as Saba herself. Roman-born, she is no newcomer to the stage.An actress, singer, writer and dancer, Saba has performed in a number of short films and live shows, including Milonga Merini: Poesia Tango e Follia where she won the prestigious “Premio Internazionale Teatro di Volterra” award. A trained vocalist, Barbara has performed in several international music festivals, including Summer Jamboree (Italy) and Viva Las Vegas. Her Rhythm and Blues band B.B. & The Red Cats recently presented their first album Burning Life.
“I decided to give myself a present for my 40th year on this earth,” Saba said. “I gave myself the chance to be happy. I gave myself the opportunity to get rid of the weight on my shoulders.”